Q. What is purpose of Life?
It all started when we were on verge on completing our college and we were faced with a question:
What is the purpose of Life?
Is it to find Job and pay bills?
Then we found that, Purpose of Life is Create a Life of Purpose.
We tried to create a Life of purpose by doing our corporate Dream Jobs with responsibility and provided value to our Bosses. In that, we got Satisfied but not that Happy.f
Later we faced our Real Question, Who am I?
While searching for that, we come to this next question:
Did you ever feel happiness when you helped someone without any expectation? If Yes, then you know what feeling I’m talking about here. As Getting help feels good, Giving Help feels Great!
In Simple words we reached this answer: SERVING OTHERS IS FINDING SELF.
That’s the Easiest way that we found to FIND SELF.
So, we left High paying Corporate Jobs and started serving other souls via this online thing as we liked being occupied with web development and sharing new stuff that might be of use for many other souls.
In each activity that we do for another soul who is trusting us whether at office or at home, we ensure that we serve them consciously in order to get closer to our self-realization one day.
Due to this, we ensure that from the origin of whatever we create, we should use high quality raw materials and processes to deliver you the right thing which will help you achieve your own purpose.
While serving other souls for so long, we also realized that our sensitivity to things help us in our relations to other souls too. For example, when you kick an inanimate object like a bucket in the washroom harshly, then such harsh behaviour somehow comes into play in our relationships too because the mind can’t differentiate our behaviour on a subconscious level whether it’s with things or other souls.